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Aconselhamento Universitário para Estudantes

Most services are provided one-on-one via Zoom and Google Docs and are personalized to meet each student's needs.

The Wren Building at the College of William & Mary


8th-11th grades

Helping students set goals, explore careers/majors, and plan for high school courses, extracurricular activities, and standardized testing to prepare them for future college admission and success. Choices students make in middle school can affect the types of colleges they get accepted into, the majors available to them, and even the cost of their college education. Students in 8th-11th grades can benefit greatly from guidance to help them understand their strengths, set goals, and plan their high school courses, activities, and testing with college admissions in mind.

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8th-12th grades

Educating students on the selection and application process and coaching them on all parts of service academy and ROTC applications. Can include any and all of the following: - Overview of the service academy admissions process - Evaluating a student's profile and educating them on how they can strengthen it to be competitive for admissions - Assistance with essays and interviews for service academies, nominations, and ROTC scholarship applications

Naval Academy Midshipmen marching


11th-12th grades

Helping students find colleges that fit their academic, financial, and social needs by: - Assisting them in determining which factors are most important to them. - Educating them on how to identify colleges that are affordable for their family. - Teaching them how to research colleges effectively. - Providing them access to valuable research tools. - Guiding them in balancing their college list.

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Homeschool Educators of 8th-12th graders

Consulting with homeschool educators to: - Evaluate and guide coursework to ensure that it meets college admissions requirements and goals. - Craft the high school transcript, profile, course descriptions, and counselor recommendation letter.



11th-12th grades

Coaching students to show themselves in the best light in their college applications.​ Includes: - Developing the personal statement and supplemental essays, from brainstorming ideas to final polishing. - Assisting with writing effective activities and honors sections.​ - Guiding students on how to approach the additional information section. - Advising whether to share test scores with colleges. - Helping to determine the best deadlines to apply to maximize acceptance and merit aid.

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Pacotes e preços

Charges are based on time. The hourly rate is $185, but families seeking support for ten hours or more benefit from a reduced rate. The chart below gives a general idea of how long various services take. Hours can be spread over more than one year. Prices are subject to change.

10 horas

Para estudantes que desejam ajuda apenas com partes específicas do processo de admissão na faculdade. 

Para a maioria dos alunos, abrange um dos seguintes:

  • uma pesquisa completa da faculdade  

  • assistência com a Declaração Pessoal  ou Perguntas de Percepção Pessoal da Universidade da Califórnia (do brainstorming ao polimento final)

  • Planejamento do ensino médio e exploração de carreira de 8ª a 10ª séries


20 horas

Para idosos que já possuem uma lista sólida de faculdades e precisam apenas de ajuda com inscrições, ou para estudantes que desejam combinar dois dos serviços Bronze.

Para a maioria dos alunos, abrange todos os seguintes:

  • assistência com o aplicativo comum e uma plataforma de aplicativo adicional

  • Declaração pessoal (do brainstorming ao polimento final)

  • 4 ensaios curtos (os UC PIQs ou ensaios suplementares)

  • uso de CustomCollegePlan para gerenciar aplicativos.


30 horas

Para juniores e seniores que desejam orientação para descobrir onde se inscrever e ajudar com suas inscrições.

Para a maioria dos alunos, inclui tudo em Prata

(20 horas de treinamento de aplicação)


uma pesquisa completa da faculdade


40 horas

Melhor valor para estudantes que desejam assistência completa com admissões na faculdade.

Inclui tudo em Gold (uma pesquisa completa de faculdade e 20 horas de treinamento de aplicação) mais um ou mais dos seguintes:

  • planejamento do ensino médio na 8ª a 11ª séries

  • carreira/exploração principal

  • coaching em ensaios suplementares adicionais

  • assistência com mais de duas plataformas de aplicativos

  • documentação de homeschool para inscrições em faculdades


Descontos para Famílias Militares Ativas

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